Why Do I Get an “Endpoint Not Allowed” or “403 Forbidden” Error on the Verification API?
The Error occurs when the wrong Endpoint is used for the verification of the "frc-captcha-solution" value. Resolution To find out which endpoint should be used for verification you can check your application in the Friendly Captcha dashboard. Go to Dashboard >Applications and click on the application where the error occurs. In the settings, you can find the endpoint selection. The endpoint which has the blue frame is the one which is currently active. You can select either oneFew readersWhy Do I Get an “Endpoint Not Enabled” or “403 Forbidden” Error for the Widget?
The Error occurs when the wrong Endpoint is used for the requesting the puzzle in the widget. Resolution To find out which endpoint should be used for verification you can check your application in the Friendly Captcha dashboard. Go to Dashboard >Applications and click on the application where the error occurs. In the settings, you can find the endpoint selection. The endpoint which has the blue frame is the one which is currently active. You can select either one or both of theFew readersWe Still Receive Spam Requests. How Do I Check My Integration?
If you are receiving spam messages despite using Friendly Captcha on your website, it is often due to the technical integration in your setup. make sure your integration is working as intended. In the following article, you will find some ways to ensure that your integration is working as intended. If these checks are successful, Friendly Captcha should work smoothly: How Can I Test If My Integration Is Working? Please perforFew readers