Articles on: Development & Integrations

Can I Start the Verification Process Automatically?

The Start mode has to be defined in the implementation of the Widget. The optional data-start attribute must be set and used.

There might be some Plugins which do not support the change of the Start mode. These Plugins often use our standard Start mode "Focus".

You can start the Friendly Captcha verification process in 3 different ways.


This setting has the best user experience, because the captcha will start as soon as possible. So it doesn't require any interaction with the user.


This is the default setting. If you don't specifically choose any other start option. The captcha will start if the form, the widget is in, fires the focusin event, or when the user presses the start button in the widget.


If you absolutely want the user to press the start button, this option is the right one. It starts only, when the user presses the button, or it is programmatically started.

For further information, we recommend a look into our documentation

Updated on: 22/09/2023

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