What Is the Dashboard?
The dashboard is the place where you can find everything for your Friendly Captcha account. You can create new applications and API keys, change your subscription and view your usage.
In total there are six sections featured in the dashboard.
Here you will find tips for the perfect start with Friendly Captcha

On the bottom left you'll find links to our documentation and to our support team.
Here you can create an application for each use case. You can select the preferred endpoint and also change the settings for Smart Difficulty Scaling.

You can generate private API keys here so that you can prove that a request came from your account.

In the Usage Stats you can find all useful information about your requests. You can find graphs of the requests and charts of the request origins.

Here you can see your current plan, with the number of included requests, and the additional deactivated features. You can also access the invoices and plan settings from here. Further options, such as billing address and payment options, can be configured by clicking on the Manage Plan button.

In the settings section you can change your organization details and add additional team members.

In total there are six sections featured in the dashboard.
Here you will find tips for the perfect start with Friendly Captcha

On the bottom left you'll find links to our documentation and to our support team.
Here you can create an application for each use case. You can select the preferred endpoint and also change the settings for Smart Difficulty Scaling.

API Keys
You can generate private API keys here so that you can prove that a request came from your account.

Usage Stats
In the Usage Stats you can find all useful information about your requests. You can find graphs of the requests and charts of the request origins.

Here you can see your current plan, with the number of included requests, and the additional deactivated features. You can also access the invoices and plan settings from here. Further options, such as billing address and payment options, can be configured by clicking on the Manage Plan button.

In the settings section you can change your organization details and add additional team members.

Updated on: 16/10/2024
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